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nethouse demolished, 6th June 2003

Yup, the dozers came in and cleared it away.
Nothing but an empty block of land now. See the gallery for pictures.


On the 11th July 2002 , James (resident from Jan1998 to Jan2000) writes:

to all of those who had been to nethouse.

nethouse went up for auction on sat 6th july and the sold for $265,000 as it is in the pic burntout.
The owner went ot the trouble of removing all the power points, all the light switchs, and all the light fittings and the HWS.
The downstair walls all had more cracks than when i lived there which was mostlikly from the rain
i would not of paid that much for it, and it did not make the reserve price but when i went past tonight there was a sold sign on it.
there was about 50 ppl who turned up to the auction and only 2 ppl bidding on it
the bidding started around $150,000
so that is what happened on the day


On the 21st December 2001, the top floor of
nethouseII (aka netmansion) was gutted by fire. 

A wake/party was held on 5th January 2002.
Thankyou to all who attended. 

nethouse had existed since 20 February 1996.
Founded by Neil Symons, Matthew Hawkins, and Ben Trinder.

Survived by Steven Johnson, Vaughan Barry, Matthew Mayoh,
Zeb Holt, Brendon Smith, Connor and Beth.
(and of course, all other ex-residents)

A Eulogy

Nethouse, otherwise known as 2 Nanson Place, Florey, burned yesterday. The fire started at 3 in the afternoon in an upstairs bedroom left of the landing. It is believed an electrical fault started the fire, which spread to the roof that then collapsed, eventually consuming the wooden structure of the entire top floor. This was where the residents bedrooms were, and nearly all of their personal belongings.
Only one of the residents has family in Canberra, and he was also the one resident with a downstairs bedroom, so all of his belongings survived. None of the residents were injured.
My good friend Steve Johnston has lost everything he owned. At the age of 29, he has nothing but the clothes on his back and a few Christmas presents for people that he hadn't taken up to his room. He is now staying with us until the real estate agent the house was leased from find interim accommodation.

Nethouse was a welcoming place from the moment you stepped through the front door into the entry hall (complete with pool table). I always felt at home there, which I had never felt anywhere else. When I lost my job and had no money and really nowhere to stay, the residents let me stay on rent free until I could pay them a minimal contribution. I am forever indebted to them, and to the house, for the kindness showed me when I needed it. The house and its residents gave me a home during what was the most troubled and difficult time of my life so far. And that was only a fraction of its nearly 6-year history.

Many people have memories of Nethouse being a party house, always a mess, with an endless supply of Coke, and of the welcoming feeling I experienced from when I first came to the house. The death of Nethouse is a pivotal moment in so many lives, and in so many personal histories.

So I close with some lines from Talkin' Canberra, that I wrote just before Nemo and I moved out three months ago. I think they fit.

 This place I live, its a bit of a dive
 I really don't know how I survive
 With a geek, a frat boy, an actor and a bloke
 And two others and a fridge full of coke.
 Its not so bad if you don't mind the mess
 And the coke and the computers and the people I guess ...
 So see you later house of Net, I don't think I'm ever gonna forget...

So long and farewell, Nethouse. It was a blast.

Terri Warner, 22.December.2001

nethouse version log

Date changelog Notes
1.0 February 1996 loc=Charnwood
+Matt, +Neil, +Ben
The founding
1.1 August 1996 -Ben, +Eddie One of the "founders" left
1.1.1 unknown +kitkat
1.1.2 unknown -kitkat
1.2.2 March 1997 -Eddie, +Nemo
1.2.3 April 1997 +spock
1.3.3 June/July 1997 Manda Temporary/Honourary resident
1.4.3 October 1997 -Matt Another "founder" leaves
1.5.3 early Jan 1998 +Mitch
1.6.3 late Jan 1998 +James population increase to 4

2.0 January 1999 loc=Florey
new location
Population to 5
2.0.1 March 1999 -spock
2.1.1 December 1999 +Gary Population to 6
2.2.1 January 2000 -Neil, -James Last "founder" member left
2.3.1 February 2000 +Rick, +Vaughan
2.4.1 March 2000 -Mitch, +Jacqui First female
2.5.1 July 2000 -Jacqui
2.6.1 July/Aug 2000 Jacy visits Honourary resident
2.7.1 end Sep 2000 -Rick
2.8.1 end Oct 2000 +Matt, +Doug
2.9.1 Mid Dec 2000 -Gary
2.10.1 mid/late Feb 2001 +Zeb
2.11.1 early March 2001 -Doug, +Brendon
2.12.1 June-August 2001 Steve Temporary resident
2.13.1 July-September 2001 Terri Temporary resident
2.14.1 Mid/late September 2001 -Nemo, -Terri, +Connor Last version1 era resident leaves
2.15.1 early December 2001 Beth Temorary resident
2.16.1 21 December 2001 Nethouse burns end of an era?